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Great programming reference books that might help you in your project development and get additional knowledge from the author. Support author by buying hard copy to the nearest book store in your place or order books in their respective publisher websites.

Category: Android Developer / Asp.Net / Asp.Net MVC / Blockchain / C# / C++ / Computer Science / Database / Game Developer / Java / JavaScript / jQuery / Linux / Maven / MS Sql / MySQL / Networking / Oracle / PHP / Python / Spring / VB.Net / Visual Studio / Web Developer

Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017: Using .NET Core and Modern JavaScript Frameworks (1st Edition)

Author: Phil Japikse; Kevin Grossnicklaus; Ben Dewey

Publisher: Apress Pages: 392

This book covers the three main parts of building applications with C#: Entity Framework, ASP.NET Core Services, and ASP.NET Core Web Applications.

C#: Programming Basics for Absolute Beginners

Author: Nathan Clark

Publisher: Nathan Clark Pages: 2294

This comprehensive beginner’s guide will take you step by step through learning one of the best programming languages out there.

Mastering Visual Studio 2017

Author: Kunal Chowdhury

Publisher: Packt Pages: 466

Visual Studio 2017 is the all-new IDE released by Microsoft for developers, targeting Microsoft and other platforms to build stunning Windows and web apps.

Mastering Visual Studio 2017: Build windows apps using WPF and UWP, accelerate cloud development with Azure, explore NuGet, and more

Author: Kunal Chowdhury

Publisher: Packt Pages: 466

Learning how to effectively use this technology can enhance your productivity while simplifying your most common tasks, allowing you more time to focus on your project.

Mastering Visual Studio 2019, 2nd Edition

Author: Kunal Chowdhury

Publisher: Packt Pages: 374

Latest IDE from Microsoft for developers targeting Windows and other platforms to build stunning desktop, web and mobile applications.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2017 for Windows, Web, and Database Applications: Comprehensive (1st Edition)

Author: Corinne Hoisington

Publisher: Cengage Learning Pages: 752

Innovative approach blends visual demonstrations of professional-quality programs with in-depth discussions of today's most effective programming concepts and techniques.

Professional Visual Studio 2017 (1st Edition)

Author: Bruce Johnson

Publisher: Wrox Pages: 864

Visual Studio 2017 includes a host of features aimed at improving developer productivity and UI, clear explanation, new figures, and expert insight.

Visual Studio 2019 In Depth

Author: Ockert J. du Preez

Publisher: BPB Publications Pages: 346

Discover and make use of the powerful features of the Visual Studio 2019 IDE to develop better and faster mobile, web, and desktop applications.

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