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Great programming reference books that might help you in your project development and get additional knowledge from the author. Support author by buying hard copy to the nearest book store in your place or order books in their respective publisher websites.

Category: Android Developer / Asp.Net / Asp.Net MVC / Blockchain / C# / C++ / Computer Science / Database / Game Developer / Java / JavaScript / jQuery / Linux / Maven / MS Sql / MySQL / Networking / Oracle / PHP / Python / Spring / VB.Net / Visual Studio / Web Developer

A Smarter Way to Learn jQuery: Learn it faster. Remember it longer

Author: Mark Myers

Publisher: Mark Myers Pages: 262

The Smarter Way of learning fun, involving, frustration-free, and confidence-building and actually learn the skills, do it the smarter way.

Beginning jQuery 2 for ASP.NET Developers: Using jQuery 2 with ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC

Author: Bipin Joshi

Publisher: Apress Pages: 336

To begin with, you'll find out how jQuery hooks up with your ASP.NET controls, and simplifies event handling by keeping it in the browser.

Head First jQuery: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Author: Ryan Benedetti; Ronan Cranley

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 540

You'll quickly get up to speed on this amazing JavaScript library by learning how to navigate HTML documents while handling events, effects, callbacks, and animations.

HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer (1st Edition)

Author: Dane Cameron

Publisher: Wrox Pages: 408

To build robust, functional web applications, you need to understand these technologies and how they fit together, step-by-step, hands-on guide to building web apps.

jQuery Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for jQuery Developers (1st Edition)

Author: Cody Lindley (Editor)

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 480

Leading developers who use jQuery for everything from integrating simple components into websites and applications to developing complex, high-performance user interfaces.

jQuery Essentials

Author: Troy Miles

Publisher: Packt Pages: 180

This practical guide shows you how to make the most of jQuery to boost the performance of your websites and applications.

jQuery For Beginners: Your Guide To Easily Learn jQuery Programming in 7 days

Author: iCode Academy

Publisher: Independently published Pages: 119

It explains to you what jQuery is all about, why choosing it over other programming languages is worth it, and what you have to do to get better at writing programs.

jQuery for Designers: Beginners Guide, 2nd Edition

Author: Natalie MacLees

Publisher: Packt Pages: 367

Learn the modular approach to jQuery, including the addition of plug-ins to achieve advanced effects without writing much code at all.

jQuery Gems: The easy guide to the JavaScript library for beginners who are ready to start moving beyond basic HTML programming

Author: Greg Sidelnikov

Publisher: Independently published Pages: 60

This reference is great for beginners and web developers looking for direct, isolated examples of various jQuery techniques.

jQuery in Action (3rd Edition)

Author: Bear Bibeault; Yehuda Katz; Aurelio De Rosa

Publisher: Manning Publications Pages: 504

Written for readers with minimal JavaScript experience, this revised edition adds new examples and exercises, along with the deep and practical coverage you expect.

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